Wild Swimming Group Rules


Creativity - Connection - Community

Declaration: I accept that there are hazards to swimming in the river and that there is a risk to health, injury or loss of life. I accept that there are NO lifeguards and that swimmers are responsible for their own and other swimmer's safety. I agree to abide by the group rules and to obey instructions given to me by the organisers . I agree not to do anything which may have the potential to cause harm to others. I accept responsibility for these conditions on behalf of myself and those who accompany me. 

Wildling Studio will not share this data with a third party and a full privacy statement is available on the website which outlines our commitment to GDPR. 


  • In places it is deep and you can drown. In other places it is shallow.

  • DO NOT DRINK THE WATER. Generally we find that the water quality is low after heavy rainfall, and people swimming during these periods may develop tummy infections. We believe that this is because they tend to swallow water when swimming or playing in the river. Therefore we advise against swimming during these periods, especially children. Please see wessexwater.co.uk for water quality reports.

  • Do not swim if the river is in spate (brown water).

  • Proper swimming attire must be worn at all times.

  • There are NO LIFEGUARDS. You should always swim with company and be able to provide safety cover for your group.

  • Please tidy up and take any litter home. 

  • Please do not jump or dive into the water.

  • Do NOT jump off trees.

  • Never swim on your own or after taking alcohol or drugs.

  • Do not enter the water if you have an open wound (main risk: Weil’s disease).

  • The river is cold. Always acclimatise yourself to the river temperature in the shallow water by the edges.

  • You must be a good swimmer and in good health, so do not swim if you are feeling ill or you have any health conditions which could endanger you whilst in the water.

  • Do not swim when the river is in flood.

  • Beware of getting entangled in any river weeds.

The siting of this group by the water does not indicate that it is a safe place to swim, but rather that it is a traditional watering hole. There are inherent risks involved in wild swimming. You swim entirely at your own risk. You are responsible for your own safety, and for the safety of others. Please review the Safety information before entering the water. Wildling Studio does not accept liability for any loss or injury, howsoever caused.